When Is Crown Lengthening Necessary?

When Is Crown Lengthening Necessary?

July 1, 2022

Crown lengthening is necessary if your tooth that has to be replaced does not have enough space to hold the crown on its own. In addition, teeth that are affected by decay or that are broken may prevent the crown from firmly attaching.

Crown lengthening reduces your gum tissue and sometimes shaves down your jawbone so that more of your tooth is above the surface of the gums. A properly fitted dental crown enables better oral hygiene and comfort.

Some people may seek crown lengthening to alter a gummy smile problem. This is a condition where most of your gums are visible above your teeth when smiling.

Read along to learn more about crown lengthening, including how the procedure is done and the aftercare guidelines.

What is Crown Lengthening?

Crown lengthening is a dental procedure which is performed by a periodontist in Coquitlam, which works to reveal more of your tooth’s crown. The crown is that part of your tooth that pokes out on top of the gums. They are the pearly whites that make up your smile.

Your dentist will work to ensure that they expose more of your crown in a simple and relatively painless procedure. This is done by moving the gums closer to the root of your tooth. This procedure can also be used for aesthetic purposes.

What Happens During a Crown Lengthening Procedure Done by a Tri-Cities Dental Specialist?

The crown lengthening procedure is performed by your dentist as an outpatient procedure, and this means that you can go home afterward. The time it takes for the procedure to finish varies depending on the number of teeth to undergo the process. It also depends on whether the jawbone and the soft tissue have to be removed.

If you have a temporary crown on any adjacent teeth, your dentist has to remove them before the procedure and replace them afterward.

Your dentist will use local anesthesia during the procedure and a sedative. Next, the periodontist will cut your gums to pull them away from your teeth, exposing the jawbone and the roots. In some cases, only the gums are supposed to be removed, while the bone can also be removed in others. Your dentist then washes the surgical site with saltwater before starting to suture it.

The dentist sutures the gums back together and may sometimes place a bandage over the area for additional protection. It is normal to feel some pain after the procedure. Thus, your endodontist at Coquitlam, Bc, will prescribe some pain relievers to help you relieve the pain and a specialized mouth rinse to help your gums heal.

Crown Lengthening Aftercare

It takes approximately six months to recover from the crown lengthening procedure. However, you will be able to resume your normal functions when your gums completely heal. You, therefore, need to avoid any strenuous activity for the first there days following the procedure. Heavy lifting, a physically demanding job, and heavy exertion can cause more bleeding and inhibit your healing.

Here are some of the aftercare guidelines recommended by your dental specialists near you. Of course, it also applies to any other oral surgery treatment. They include:

  • Take your prescribed medications to help you alleviate any pain symptoms or discomfort.
  • Use an ice pack. This is by placing it on the side of your face for a few hours following the procedure to reduce swelling—alternate using the ice pack, at least 20 minutes on and 2o minutes off.
  • Avoid taking hot foods for the first 24 hours. Do not also rinse your mouth, as both can worsen the bleeding. If the bleeding continues, use moistened gauze or a moistened tea bag to apply some pressure on the area for at most 3o minutes.
  • Leave the dressing for at most 14 days following the procedure. Your dentist may replace them once or twice during this time.
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol until after you go for your post-op appointment.
  • Take soft foods. Avoid chewing on the surgical area. You should also avoid brittle, acidic, spicy, hard, or highly seasoned foods. Avoid small seeds and nuts
  • Brush carefully. Gently brush on the chewing surfaces when the dressing has been placed. For the other parts, brush and floss normally. Try to chew on the side that did not undergo surgery.

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