Choosing the Right Therapy: Surgical Vs. Nonsurgical Options for Patients

Choosing the Right Therapy: Surgical Vs. Nonsurgical Options for Patients

August 1, 2023

Presently there are various surgical and nonsurgical procedures making it challenging to determine which therapy best suits your needs. This blog compares and contrasts surgical vs. nonsurgical treatment in BC by looking at the benefits and downsides of these procedures to help you decide and make an educated decision about which option is best for your needs.

Optimal Care Selection: Surgical Vs. Nonsurgical Methods for Patients

When you visit the dentist near you requesting exams and cleanings, they will likely not recommend surgery but complete the prophylaxis using nonsurgical techniques. Nonsurgical treatments by the dentist are less expensive because the dentist performs them in an outpatient setting with minimally invasive procedures with no downtime. Dentists can also simultaneously treat multiple areas during your appointment without surgical intervention.

Unfortunately, if you must have wisdom teeth removed to combat the discomfort and infections affecting your oral health, you may require surgical treatment in Coquitlam for third molar removal. The surgical intervention also becomes necessary if you have receding gums because of periodontal disease and bone grafting, an adverse effect of periodontal disease that weakens your jawbone to cause deterioration.

Selecting the Right Therapy to Suit Your Needs

It will become even more challenging to determine whether your situation needs surgical or nonsurgical therapies unless you discuss it with the dentist in Coquitlam, requesting their assistance to evaluate and assess your oral health and accept their view on the treatment best suited for your specific needs.

Benefits and Downsides of Surgical and Nonsurgical Procedures

  • Healing Time : surgical procedures require sutures to close the area and heal quickly, which is unfamiliar with nonsurgical methods. The extent of the surgical procedure will determine your recovery time and how many therapies you receive. Working or exercising, as usual, becomes challenging during your healing.
  • Cost : the cost of surgical procedures are relatively higher than nonsurgical options. Depending on the treatment sought, surgical options are available in limited areas by referral. In contrast, nonsurgical procedures do not require a referral and are less expensive because they are minimally invasive with shorter recovery times than surgical intervention. In addition, nonsurgical therapies will not restrict you from working or exercising after you return from the dental clinic near you.
  • Recovery : more downtime is involved in surgical procedures than nonsurgical because they entail sutures. In contrast, nonsurgical procedures require no rest or recovery, and some patients may need multiple therapies to achieve their desired goals depending on the severity of their condition and what they are trying to accomplish.
  • Side Effects : risks and side effects are associated with surgical procedures depending on the process considered. The familiar side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, scarring, and infection. Fortunately, nonsurgical procedures have no risks involved because anesthesia or incisions are eliminated. You may experience swelling and bruising in the treated area by the local dentist, especially if you had a tooth filled by receiving local anesthesia for tooth decay removal. However, the discomfort subsides quickly, even if you receive multiple treatments during your appointment.
  • Safety : surgical procedures are associated with more risks and side effects depending on the specific procedure you consider. Fortunately, nonsurgical procedures are safe even when multiple treatments are completed in one session. You might become prone to additional risks making it essential to discuss the factors with your dentist when you decide which treatment you want to pursue.

Surgical procedures are associated with more risks and side effects depending on your chosen process. Besides causing swelling, numbness, bruising, pain, scarring, and infection, surgical procedures also entail downtime between 48 to 72 hours or more, depending on the specific process you underwent.

Nonsurgical processes have fewer risks associated because they do not require incisions or anesthesia unless you must have wisdom teeth removed when you receive both. In addition, you can combine multiple treatments in one session from the dentist if they suggest nonsurgical options to treat the condition in your mouth.

Except for wisdom teeth removal, gum flap surgery, jawbone grafting, persistent TMJ disorders, severe jaw misalignment or missing teeth restoration procedures, most dental treatments are nonsurgical, and dentists merely recommend surgery as a last resort after exhausting other methods to restore oral health using minimally invasive options to provide the suitable treatments needed by patients.

If you are contemplating surgical or nonsurgical options to better your dental health, it helps to discuss your treatment with Tri-Cities Dental Specialists because they are the experts to determine which therapy best suits your needs. Consult them to decide whether or not you need surgery or can make do with nonsurgical treatments to improve your dental health and overall well-being.

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